Saturday, October 01, 2011

The thinking cap is on

When should you consider an opportunity?

When it falls on your lap the second time?

Or when all else fails and you need the change of scenery...

I worry too much. I think I need to get rid of some of these samskaras. As my prefect says unless you practice it on your own, you'll never know the difference. Hmm...I need to stick to my night and morning rituals.

How do you know if something you really want so bad is not really good for you? Do you wait for "signs" that would give you the answer? Or do you base it on logic by doing a comparison of the pros and cons?

I came across this one funny article from Bo Sanchez's book. He said people wait for the extra ordinary signs to figure something out when in fact the ordinary signs will give them the answer they need. What do you call that? The art of overlooking the obvious.

Discernment takes time even years for some. I hope I get mine soon...