I was making creamy scrambled eggs for breakfast when this image just popped out of my head... me jumping to the sizzling sound of frying. I had Mageirocophobia or the fear of cooking. I would cringe away from the sight of pots and pans. Just kidding. I just don't want all the fuss and the mess. And I prefer washing the dishes rather than cook. It's quite a shock knowing that I can now cook let alone learn how to cook and experiment with ingredients I've never thought of.
I realized when you cook, you just have to keep these basic ingredients:
olive oil
basil leaves
Even the simplest dish like scrambled eggs or a can of sardines would taste better with these basic ingredients. It's just a matter of seasoning. If you season well, you'll end up having a great dish.
Life also provides us with these readily-available ingredients. How do we cook these basic components?
a dash of yourself
When you lose something, it gives you a lot of time of think. It may sound so cliche, but it's true. You learn that everything doesn't always end up according to your plan. So you learn to let go and let God. "If something doesn't work, you reflect on it and then you make yourself better." Words from a friend who shares my zest for life. It's my coping mechanism and a better version I would say. Instead of drowning my sorrows over alcohol, I prefer going out of my comfort zone. Don't get stuck in the same place, clinging on to a past you're not even sure if it's worth holding on to. Realign your goals. Reinvent yourself. Learn a new skill and master it. Go back to your first love - running and writing. Meet new friends and explore opportunities that would make you a better person. With all these, you become better AND you feel good.
a pinch of family
Life is short. There are some things that can't be borrowed. Our parents will not stay with us for the rest of our lives. They too, will get old and wither away. Grab every opportunity to spend time with them while they are still alive. Their wisdom makes sense most of the time especially in this topsy-turvy world.
season with friends
Surround yourself with people who will help you stand up when your face is stuck in the mud. Reconnect with friends whom you've lost contact over the years. Expand your social network. Join a club, a group meditation, or a salsa dance class. Meet new and exciting people.
serve while still hot
While you're still alive and kicking, explore this vast world. Learn something new. Travel. Get to know other people on the other side. Life is an endless source of new experiences waiting to be unraveled.